Deck Maintenance Adelaide
Deck maintenance is crucial in the South Australian climate.
Keeping your deck well maintained is an absolute necessity to maximise its lifespan and have it looking great for years to come. Without regular maintenance, a deck can rot, splinter and crack.
While general wear and tear over time is to be expected, regular care will keep your deck looking its best for a long time.
To keep your deck looking its best, we recommend cleaning and oiling the timber at least once or twice a year. A deck cleaning solution from any hardware store or timber supplier is a fantastic way to ensure it is getting the best treatment prior to oiling.
Contact Mid Coast Pergolas & Decks for all your deck maintenance needs.
We also recommend using a pressure washer to remove dirt from the surface which may also help to revive its colour. If you are cleaning a composite deck, using a pressure washer is not recommended, as this may damage the surface. If your deck has gone grey or silver over time, then a specialist product to revive its colour can be used after the deck has been washed.
Mid Coast Pergolas & Decks will come to you and inspect decking boards, posts and handrails for any rot; if your deck has extensive rot, consider replacing the timber. We will look for splinters and cracks; any boards with large cracks should be replaced.
As part of our deck maintenance service, we will sand decking boards that have splinters to reduce any future injury, we will clean the deck using a cleaning solution and/or pressure washer. And if your deck has lost its colour, we’ll chat with you about using products to revive its colour. Once clean, sanded and splinter free, we will apply new oil using a decking mop.
For safety and longevity, make sure your deck is regularly maintained.
Of course, you can follow the above procedure to maintain your deck, but if you want it done by professionals with expertise in building and maintaining decks, give us a call. As well as increasing the lifespan of your deck, regular maintenance will keep costs down by preventing major repair work.
For maximum protection, it’s best to conduct maintenance at the end of spring and then again at the start of autumn. It is particularly important just before summer, when the South Australian sun will be its most damaging and the deck is used the most.
Oiling may seem overwhelming, but with the correct equipment and products it is quite simple. Also remember that timber is a natural product that will expand, contract and move due to moisture levels and changes in temperature, so you should expect decking gaps to change throughout the seasons.